Choice Paralysis

I am a quick chooser. Some say impulsive, I say decisive. Shopping is fast and expensive if I go to the wrong store. So I go to Good Will. I can snatch up a few good shirts and a great little dress and walk out ten dollars poorer. I can also give that really annoying answer “Oh this? I got it at a thrift store”. I don’t decide on my meal until the waitress walks up to the table and then I just say something. Anything. And I will be happy with it.

However, there are a few things that stop me in my decision-making tracks and turn me into the waffle I can’t stand. Running, airline tickets, and birthday cards are some of them (Also boys and dates but that’s another blog entry for another day).

This choice paralysis happens when I have not gone on a run in 3 to 4 weeks and I am convinced that if I start again, I might cramp up and fall over. So I don’t do it. But I want to. So I pace the house and look for other things to do. Yesterday I said NO to pacing and YES to running like the wind for a whopping 3.3 miles. The wind was very slow yesterday. But the rainbow was perfect.

Airline tickets are perhaps the biggest decision-cramper. Shortly after my summer semester ends, I am flying to Florida to coordinate and celebrate my grandmother’s 80th birthday. I am sure I am not alone in my Kayak-scouring for best price ever. I may, however, be in a more elite group when it comes to limiting my search to a certain plane size, a certain seating arrangement, and you can FORGET turbo-props. This time I have another complicating factor: a BuddyPass. It’s saving me a couple hundred dollars on my return leg but it also means I may stay an extra night in the middle of the country. So I’m choosing my lay-over city very carefully, preferably with kind and hospitable friends living near by. I also always try to hear the voice of God telling me which ticket to buy. No, really, I do.

Finally, birthday cards. There have been a couple of years and a couple of family members or friends that have received the perfect birthday card. It is witty but gentle, beautifully crafted, and with a slight inside joke that makes the whole thing even more perfect. But those rare cards have ruined me. Now I stand in the aisles for an HOUR and drive to multiple stores on a quest for the perfect card for every birthday, for every friend, for every relative.

So, if you are struggling with a choice this week that has nothing to do with the above three topics, please let me know. I am more than happy to help you learn some firm decision-making skills, or how to make a rash choice. And if you have any suggestions for cities to get stuck in, please cast your vote as I will be purchasing the tickets tomorrow…or Saturday …or Sunday.

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11 thoughts on “Choice Paralysis

  1. Deitra Shoemaker says:

    How about Atlanta? Depending on the date, we would love to have you stay with us Erin! And on those bday cards . . .sometimes it is best just to find a really cool blank card and write your own affirmation of what you love about that person. I find that means a lot!

  2. I have always wanted to see Cincinnati – don’t know why – I guess it is just the way it sounds and how it rolls off of my tongue. And mine choice paralysis is whether or not to actually try to edit the two novels already writtten and the one devotional that I need to choose a publisher for. Any suggestions?

    Love ya

  3. Amy says:

    I seriously doubt Chattanooga is a layover destination, but if it is, you could chill with Me and Kelly!

  4. Scott Keen says:

    If I’m given too many options, it puts me into an endless loop of analysis and re-analysis of cost vs. benefit vs. personal taste vs coupons vs…
    Just watch me buy salad dressing. I have never gotten out of the salad dressing aisle in under 30 minutes. No joke.

  5. […] are three weeks left until I start changing things up. I shook myself out of my choice paralysis and went with Las Vegas as my lay over destination. Mostly because I am tired of waiting to find […]

  6. Audrey says:

    I need you in my life. I’ll tell you to run and find you a plane ticket, but you’re on your own with the cards; meet me at Hallmark tomorrow? I’m free all day. 🙂

  7. […] it or not, I’m not a shopaholic either. I freeze up with too many choices (remember? Click here.) But for the past two years I have had a growing urge to set up house. I have set up a couple […]

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